The Hierarchy of Client Generation

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Hierarchy of Client Generation

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Hosted by
James Breese

Everyday Athlete. Founder of @strengthmatters. Love snowboarding, cricket, Manchester United, the mountains, coffee and trail running.

In this episode, we we’re talking about the hierarchy of client generation for health and fitness professionals, a crucial aspect that could either make or break your business. 

Andrew Wallis shares groundbreaking insights derived from his vast experience and a unique perspective on what he terms the “hierarchy of client generation.” If you’re struggling to attract more clients or simply looking to refine your client acquisition strategies, this episode promises a treasure trove of actionable advice.

Leverage every conversation; it could lead to a conversion down the line.

Andrew Wallis

Timeline Summary:
00:36Mentorship and the Concept’s Origin 02:46Level One Activities: The Low Hanging Fruit 06:51Level Two Activities: Expanding Reach 09:15Long-term Strategies: Levels Three and Four
Key Takeaways:
  • Mentor Influence: Andrew credits Alan Cosgrove for inspiring the hierarchy concept, emphasizing the importance of mentorship and learning from industry leaders.
  • Client Generation Strategies: The discussion centers on practical strategies across four levels, with a focus on immediately actionable steps for rapid client acquisition.
  • Networking and Direct Engagement: A significant emphasis is placed on direct communication, both through digital means and personal interactions, highlighting the potency of reaching out to past prospects and leveraging current client relationships.
  • Content Creation and Long-term Visibility: The episode touches on the value of content creation, including blogging and social media, as long-term strategies to build authority and attract clients indirectly.
  • Practical Advice: Andrew offers tangible examples and methods, such as the “nine-word email,” to re-engage prospects and encourage referrals.
Websites and Links Mentioned:

Speak to people who know, like, and trust you. It’s your biggest asset.

Andrew Wallis

Unlocking client generation is about consistent work, not magic bullets.

Andrew Wallis

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