Are You a Fitness Business Black Belt? The Revenue Ladder Explained

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Fitness Business Black Belt

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Hosted by
James Breese

Everyday Athlete. Founder of @strengthmatters. Love snowboarding, cricket, Manchester United, the mountains, coffee and trail running.

In this episode, we introduce an innovative concept: the “Strength Matters Fitness Business Black Belt System” and the “Revenue Ladder.” Inspired by entrepreneur Peter Cook, this guide aids fitness professionals on their path to business success.

Using a belt system ranging from white to black, based on monthly income levels, listeners can pinpoint where they are in their professional journey and learn how to effectively grow their fitness businesses.

Whether you’re at the beginning or aiming to elevate your fitness business, this episode offers key insights and a straightforward plan for achievement.

Fitness Business Black Belt

When I’m when I’m working as a business strategist, helping fitness professionals grow that business, this framework that we’ve got into play enables us to really, really zero in on the key pointers that a fitness professional needs to concentrate on to grow their business.

Andrew Wallis

00:05Introducing the Strength Matters Black Belt Business System 00:26A way to guide fitness professionals in their professional development 02:00What is the Revenue Ladder? 03:17Know Your Position in the Revenue Ladder and focus on your strengths. 05:00Why Prioritizing Sales in Your Launch Phase is Crucial 06:00Avoid Leaky Buckets in Your Business 08:30Outro

To be frank, I was inspired by an idea from Peter Cook and adapted it for Strength Manners. We began exploring this concept at the Business Academy for Strength Manners around 2014 to 2016.

James Breese

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