The Dark Side of Facebook Ads: What No One Tells You

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Facebook Ads for Fit Pros

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Hosted by
James Breese

Everyday Athlete. Founder of @strengthmatters. Love snowboarding, cricket, Manchester United, the mountains, coffee and trail running.

In today’s episode, we dive deep into the untold realities of Facebook ads for fit pros. We emphasize that not every fit pro can blindly bank on Facebook ads. With its ever-changing landscape and unpredictable returns, it’s crucial to gauge how well it aligns with our fitness venture.

We also highlight the cornerstone of a robust fitness business foundation. From website optimization to superior user experience, these factors majorly influence our ad expenditures and overall results. Remember, Facebook ads aren’t a magic bullet for every fit pro.

Facebook advertising was at its peak between 2010 and 2015. Back then, an ad would instantly yield results. Now, with the onset of ad fatigue, people are tuning out.

James Breese
00:27Facebook Ads Not for Everyone 01:00Consider Your Revenue 03:00The Changing Facebook Landscape 03:49Google vs. Facebook 07:00The Importance of Foundations 07:56 Outro

Facebook ads are effective but not for everyone. Consider them when you’re at a monthly revenue of 15K. If you’re below that or lack foundational business systems, focus on optimizing local search listings and seek organic growth.

Andrew Wallis
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