When Clients Ask for Discounts: A Case Study in Business Boundaries

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When Clients Ask for Discounts

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Hosted by
James Breese

Everyday Athlete. Founder of @strengthmatters. Love snowboarding, cricket, Manchester United, the mountains, coffee and trail running.

What should you do when clients ask for discounts? Tune in to today’s discussion between James, Josh, and Andrew as they dive into this uncomfortable topic for fit pros. What should you do when clients ask for discounts?

You’ll discover the tightrope that fitness professionals often walk when juggling business value and client expectations. Press play to uncover insights from real-world experiences.

Value your services, value your expertise in the niche that you’re working in, and make sure you stick to your guns.

James Breese

Timeline Summary
00:37Clients Pushing for Discounts. 03:50The Repercussions of Giving Discounts. 05:50Upholding Professionalism in the Fitness Industry. 07:50Never Discount; Offer Options.
Key Takeaways:
  • Clients Asking for Discounts: James and Josh discuss the recurring issue of clients requesting custom packages, often undermining the holistic approach of their training.
  • Professionalism in the Fitness Industry: The group emphasizes the importance of holding oneself to high standards, especially in an industry where professionalism is often undermined.
  • The Downside of Discounting: Andrew recounts a personal experience where discounting led to a slippery slope of decreased value and loss of clients.
  • Offering Options, Not Discounts: James suggests having different packages available. This provides flexibility for clients without compromising the value of the service.
  • The Importance of Sticking to Your Guns: The team agrees on the importance of valuing services and not falling into the trap of continuous discounting.

Websites and Links Mentioned:

If you discount, you become a commodity, and it’s a race to the bottom.

James Breese

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