Should Personal Trainers Blog?

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Should Personal Trainers Blog

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Hosted by
James Breese

Everyday Athlete. Founder of @strengthmatters. Love snowboarding, cricket, Manchester United, the mountains, coffee and trail running.

Should personal trainers blog in today’s digital age? Discover the answer as James Breese and Josh Kennedy delve into the significance, history, and practicality of blogging for those in the fitness world.

It takes a lot of time and effort and technical capabilities to get your blogs found.

– James Breese
Timeline Summary:
00:00 Introduction to Blogging’s Relevance 01:00History of Blogging’s Popularity 02:00Blogging for Personal Trainers 03:00Understanding SEO and Authentic Content 09:00The Importance of SEO and Organic Traffic
Detailed Breakdown:
  1. The Genesis of Blogging: Blogging has morphed significantly since its initiation in 2003. The era between 2005 and 2010 stands as a golden period for bloggers, greatly facilitated by platforms like WordPress.
  2. Social Media: A Game-Changer for Bloggers: Social platforms like Facebook introduced new dynamics to content consumption and sharing.
  3. To Blog or Not: Personal Trainers’ Dilemma: Successful blogging extends beyond just writing; it’s about establishing genuine connections and providing consistent value.
  4. The Backbone of Blogging – SEO: Effective SEO practices can make or break a blog’s visibility and reach. Being indexed by search engines, especially Google, is paramount for a blog’s success.
  5. Tapping into Organic Traffic: Well-strategized blogs can generate consistent and valuable traffic, standing out against sporadic ad-driven visitors.

Websites and Links Mentioned

Good content is important, but it’s the technical side of things that matters more.

– James Breese
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