How to Conquer Imposter Syndrome as a PT

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Conquer Imposter Syndrome as a PT

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Hosted by
James Breese

Everyday Athlete. Founder of @strengthmatters. Love snowboarding, cricket, Manchester United, the mountains, coffee and trail running.

How do we conquer imposter syndrome as a PT in the digital era? In today’s episode, we dive deep into this topic that touches every professional at some point. Especially as PTs in the digital era, how do we break past the fear of judgment, the looming shadow of comparison, and the hesitancy to share our expertise?

Join James, Josh and Andrew in an honest discussion about finding and championing your unique voice in the saturated world of social media. Ready for a paradigm shift? Press play!

It’s sharing that journey and your passion with people who are passionate about the same things.

James Breese

Timeline Summary
01:00Why PTs Should Post on Social Media. 03:00Overcoming Imposter Syndrome by Merging Passions. 05:00Cricket and Aligning Business with Personal Passions. 07:00Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome.
Key Takeaways
  • Fear of Social Media Judgement: Social media can be a double-edged sword. While it offers the ability to reach wider audiences, it also opens one up to possible negative feedback. This fear often holds people back.
  • Focus on Passion: Both James and Josh emphasize the importance of sharing genuine passions. Authenticity is key.
  • Continuous Learning: The journey never really ends. Both hosts admit that imposter syndrome can be an ongoing challenge.
  • Strength in Community: Building and engaging with a supportive community can be a game-changer in gaining confidence.
  • Embrace the Growth Process: Accepting that the beginning might be tough and that there’s a learning curve is essential. “Embrace the suck” and keep moving forward.
  • Unique Voice: Every individual has their own unique voice and perspective. Amplifying that is crucial to stand out and truly connect.
Websites and Links Mentioned:

Embrace the suck; your first 40 or 50 videos might not be good, but the more you do it, the more you will improve.

Josh Kennedy

We’ve all got our own unique voices, our own unique perspectives. Take that first step and put out that content.

Andrew Wallis

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